Tarkan Tevetoğlu...
17 Ekim 1972 tarihinde Alzey (Almanya) ’de doğan Tarkan, altı çocuklu bir ailenin beşinci çocuğu. Çok küçük yaşlarından ittibaren sanatsal yetenekleri dikkat çeken Tarkan’ a ailesi her zaman destek oldu. Mütevazı bir geçmişe sahip olan ve çocukluğundan beri kendi kendine olmayı seven Tarkan için, müzikle ilgilenmek, kendi dünyasını yaratmanın yollarından biriydi. Müziğin Tarkan’ ın hayatındaki bu önemli yeri ve yaptığı her işi en ince detayıyla ele alan karakteri, onu müzikle daha profesyonel anlamda ilgilenmeye yöneltti ve Türkiye’ de müzik eğitimi almaya başladı. Tarkan, önce Karamürsel ardından da Üsküdar Musiki Cemiyeti’nde Klasik Türk Müziği eğitimi aldı ve bunun sayesinde çocuk denecek bir yaşta müziğin temellerini özümsemiş oldu.
Liseden mezun olduktan sonra, müzik alanında kendisini hayal kırıklığına uğratan bir takım girişimlerde bulunan Tarkan, tam Almanya’ya geri dönüp müziği ve yıldız olmaya ilişkin hayallerini geride bırakmayı düşünüyordu ki, kaderin kendisi için yarattığı farklı bir plan devreye girdi ve prodüktör Mehmet Söğütoğlu ile tanıştı. İstanbul Plak ile imzaladığı anlaşma sonucunda, Tarkan’ın ilk albümü “Yine Sensiz”1993’te Türkiye’de piyasaya sürüldü. Bu albümün ilk single’ ı olan “Kıl Oldum Abi” çok kısa sürede dinleyenlerin ilgisini çekerek popüler mekanlarda çalınmaya başladı ve nihayet Türk radyolarının Top 20 listelerine girdi. “Çok Ararsın Beni” ve “Vazgeçmem” şarkıları albümün başarısını perçinledi. Çocuksu çekiciliğine tezat çapkın bakışları ve özgür, başına buyruk tavırlarıyla fark yaratan görünümü, güçlü sesi ve yorumuyla birleşince, Tarkan’ ın gençliğin kalbini kazanması çok da zor olmadı.
Tarkan’ın ikinci albümü “Aacayipsin”1995 yılında piyasaya sürüldü. Sezen Aksu işbirliği ile hazırlanan “Hepsi senin mi” nin yanısıra albümdeki “Kış Güneşi”, “Gül Döktüm Yollarına”, “Unutmamalı” gibi birçok şarkı Türkiye’ de 1. sıraya kadar yükseldi.
Tarkan 1995 yılında Avrupa’da ve Türkiye’de 74 canlı konser verdi. New York Palladium konseri Türkiye’ de de canlı olarak yayınlandı ve büyük ilgi uyandırdı. Albümün satışları 2.5 milyonu aşarak tüm diğer sanatçıların aynı yıl içerisindeki albüm satışlarını geçti ve Tarkan’ın Türk müzik dünyasında güçlü bir isim olarak kabul edilmesini sağladı.
Tarkan 1995 yılında Avrupa’da ve Türkiye’de 74 canlı konser verdi. New York Palladium konseri Türkiye’ de de canlı olarak yayınlandı ve büyük ilgi uyandırdı. Albümün satışları 2.5 milyonu aşarak tüm diğer sanatçıların aynı yıl içerisindeki albüm satışlarını geçti ve Tarkan’ın Türk müzik dünyasında güçlü bir isim olarak kabul edilmesini sağladı.
Türkiye’deki başarılarının ardından, Tarkan, kariyer planlarına yön vermek ve İngilizce öğrenmek üzere New York’a taşınmaya karar verdi. Türkiye’ den ayrılmadan önce kader O’ nu bu sefer de, 1960 ve sonrasının Amerikası’ nda müzik endüstrisinde büyük rol oynamış olan Atlantic Records’ un kurucusu ve yöneticisi Ahmet Ertegün ile karşılaştırdı. Ahmet Ertegün’ ün, yeteneğinden ve enternasyonal bir dinleyici kitlesine ulaşma potansiyelinden emin olduğunu ifade ettiği Tarkan’ı İngilizce şarkı söylemeye yönlendirmesi, gelecek planlarını şekillendirecek ilk kıvılcım oldu.
Tarkan’ın üçüncü albümü “Ölürüm Sana”, 1997 yılının Temmuz ayında piyasaya sürüldü. Dünya çapında çok iyi yorumlar alarak yaklaşık 4 milyon satan bu albümün en can alıcı şarkısı “Şımarık” yine Tarkan’ ın Sezen Aksu’ yla ortak bir çalışmasıydı. Şarkı, uluslararası müzik piyasalarına başarılı bir giriş yaparak, kısa sürede Billboard’ın Hot 100 listesinde ilk sıralara çıktı ve albümün dünya çapında satılmasını sağladı. ”Şımarık” farklı sanatçılar tarafından birçok dilde yorumlandı. Ayrıca şarkının video klibi Avrupa’da MTV ve MCM gibi uluslararası müzik kanallarında yayımlandı ve CNN gibi uluslararası haber kanalları programlarında Tarkan’ın başarılarına yer verdiler. Tarkan, müzik çalışmalarına, biletleri satışa sunulduğu anda tükenen bir Türkiye turnesiyle devam etti. Türkiye turnesini, 17 farklı şehrini kapsayan bir Avrupa turnesi izledi. Bunlara daha sonra Güney Amerika’ daki konserler eklendi. Güçlü sesi ve yorumu, dinamik dansları ve dinleyicileriyle bütünleştiği sahne performansı ile Tarkan tüm dünyanın dikkatini çekti ve gittiği her yerde hayranlarının sonsuz ilgisi ve sevgisi ile karşılaştı. 1998 yılında, PolyGramFrance, lisansını aldığı albümü uluslararası müzik piyasasına yeniden sundu. Bunun sonuncunda albüm Meksika’da Platin, Fransa, Hollanda, Almanya, Belçika, Lüksemburg, İsveç ve Kolombiya’da Altın Plak ödülü aldı.
Tarkan’ın üçüncü albümü “Ölürüm Sana”, 1997 yılının Temmuz ayında piyasaya sürüldü. Dünya çapında çok iyi yorumlar alarak yaklaşık 4 milyon satan bu albümün en can alıcı şarkısı “Şımarık” yine Tarkan’ ın Sezen Aksu’ yla ortak bir çalışmasıydı. Şarkı, uluslararası müzik piyasalarına başarılı bir giriş yaparak, kısa sürede Billboard’ın Hot 100 listesinde ilk sıralara çıktı ve albümün dünya çapında satılmasını sağladı. ”Şımarık” farklı sanatçılar tarafından birçok dilde yorumlandı. Ayrıca şarkının video klibi Avrupa’da MTV ve MCM gibi uluslararası müzik kanallarında yayımlandı ve CNN gibi uluslararası haber kanalları programlarında Tarkan’ın başarılarına yer verdiler. Tarkan, müzik çalışmalarına, biletleri satışa sunulduğu anda tükenen bir Türkiye turnesiyle devam etti. Türkiye turnesini, 17 farklı şehrini kapsayan bir Avrupa turnesi izledi. Bunlara daha sonra Güney Amerika’ daki konserler eklendi. Güçlü sesi ve yorumu, dinamik dansları ve dinleyicileriyle bütünleştiği sahne performansı ile Tarkan tüm dünyanın dikkatini çekti ve gittiği her yerde hayranlarının sonsuz ilgisi ve sevgisi ile karşılaştı. 1998 yılında, PolyGramFrance, lisansını aldığı albümü uluslararası müzik piyasasına yeniden sundu. Bunun sonuncunda albüm Meksika’da Platin, Fransa, Hollanda, Almanya, Belçika, Lüksemburg, İsveç ve Kolombiya’da Altın Plak ödülü aldı.
Tarkan’ın Almanya, Fransa, İngiltere, Belçika, Hollanda, Danimarka, Avusturya, Portekiz, Fas, Avustralya ve Tunus’ u kapsayan turnesi Türkiye’nin 1999 yılındaki korkunç depremle sarsılması ile sona erdi. Binlerce kişinin kaybolduğu ve evsiz kaldığı 1999 depremi kurbanları için İstanbul’da düzenlenen yardım konserine katılmak üzere Türkiye’ ye dönen Tarkan bu konserin hemen ertesinde askerlik hizmetini tamamladı.
Tarkan, kariyeri boyunca gerek yaşam tarzı, gerekse ilişkileri ile olsun halkın ilgi odağı olmaya ve sürekli eleştiriler almaya devam etti ancak O, kendisine, müziğine ve hayranlarına sadık kalarak fırtınaları yatıştırmayı başardı.
Sevenlerinin, uzun bir bekleyiş döneminden sonra 2001 yılı Ağustos ayında kavuştukları “Karma”, Tarkan’ın daha önce dinleyicilerine hiç yansımamış yönlerini gösteren, dokunaklı, içe dönük ve son yıllardaki karmaşalar içerisinde yaşadığı tüm deneyimlere ışık tutan felsefesinin bir dışavurumuydu. Hayranları, bu yeni albümün ortaya çıkışıyla, sanatçının kendi özüne dönüşüne tanıklık ettiler. Albümün ilk single’ı olan “Kuzu Kuzu” üç ay boyunca bir numarada kaldı ve bu dönemde Türkiye’yi etkisi altına alan ekonomik ve politik krize rağmen “Karma” albümü 2.5 milyondan fazla sattı. Albüm, Rusya’da da etkileyici bir başarı kazandı ve Rusya müzik piyasasının seyrini şaşırtıcı bir şekilde değiştirdi.
Bu başarının ardından, Tarkan’dan 2002 senesinde Dünya Kupası’na katılacak Türk Milli Futbol Takımı için bir şarkı yapması istendi. O sene dünya üçüncüsü olan Türk Milli Futbol takımının resmi şarkısı Tarkan’ın sözlerini yeniden düzenleyip yorumladığı “Karma”albümünün hitlerinden “Taş”oldu. Ayrıca yine “Karma”albümünden“Hüp”, Turizm Bakanlığı’nın hazırladığı tanıtım belgesellerinde kullanıldı ve Turizm Bakanlığı, Tarkan’ı, müziği ile Türkiye’yenin tanıtımına katkıda bulunması ve dünya çapında ülkesini temsil etmesi nedeni ile ödüllendirdi.
Tarkan’ın beşinci albümü “Dudu”2003 yazında satışa sunuldu. “Dudu”, listelerde kararlı bir şekilde yükselerek Tarkan’ın önceki albümlerinin satışlarındaki başarıyı yakaladı. Bu albümün piyasaya sürülmesinin ardından yine başarılı bir turne gerçekleştirildi. Türkiye’ de çeşitli illerini kapsayan turnenin yutdışı ayağında ise Almanya’ nın 6 şehri, Moskova, Bakü ve Alma Ata’daki konserler yer aldı.
Gerek satış rakamları gerekse popülerlik açısından Tarkan, Türkiye’nin son on yıl içerisindeki en büyük starıdır ve başarısı Avrupa’dan, Güney Amerika’ya, Asya’dan Avustralya’ ya yayılmış bulunmaktadır. Şarkıları 1992 yılından bu yana her yıl Top 40 listelerinde yer almıştır. “Şımarık”, “Şıkıdım”, “Hüp”, “Kuzu Kuzu” ve “Dudu” da dahil olmak üzere birçok şarkısı, çağdaş pop müziğinin standartlarını şekillendirmiştir. Kariyerindeki başarıları ve imajı birçok uluslararası markanın ilgisini çekmiş ve dünyaca tanınan markalardan Police, Pepsi, Doritos, Tarkan’ ın ve turnelerinin sponsorluğunu yapmışlardır. Tarkan ayrıca Pepsi’ nin yeni yüzü olarak reklam filmlerinde oynamıştır.
Tarkan, 2005 Eylül’ ünde, Türkiye’ de toplam 200.000’ i aşan bir izleyici kitlesinin karşısına çıktığı dört stadyum konseri verdi. Türkiye’nin en büyük stadyumlarında birinde gerçekleşen İstanbul konserinde ise, dünyaca ünlü sahne tasarımcısı Justin Collie tarafından hazırlanan sahnedeki etkileyici show’ unda Tarkan’ a, uzun yıllar Michael Jackson ile çalışmış olan başarılı koreograf Travis Payne’ in çalıştırdığı Amerikalı, Fransız ve Türk dansçılardan oluşan uluslararası bir dans grubu eşlik etti.
Tarkan, 2005 Eylül’ ünde, Türkiye’ de toplam 200.000’ i aşan bir izleyici kitlesinin karşısına çıktığı dört stadyum konseri verdi. Türkiye’nin en büyük stadyumlarında birinde gerçekleşen İstanbul konserinde ise, dünyaca ünlü sahne tasarımcısı Justin Collie tarafından hazırlanan sahnedeki etkileyici show’ unda Tarkan’ a, uzun yıllar Michael Jackson ile çalışmış olan başarılı koreograf Travis Payne’ in çalıştırdığı Amerikalı, Fransız ve Türk dansçılardan oluşan uluslararası bir dans grubu eşlik etti.
2006 yılının Nisan ayında dinleyicisiyle buluşan “Come Closer”isimli bu yeni albüm, Tarkan’ın uzun süredir beklenen ilk İngilizce albümü. Universal Music tarafından ilk olarak Avrupa’da ve Güney Amerika’da satışa sunuldu. Aynı anda Türkiye’de de çıkan albümde Tarkan; Wyclef Jean, Pete Martin, Devrim Karaoglu, Billy Mann, Lester Mendez, Dexter Simmons, the Jettsonz, Supaflyas gibi alanlarında önemli başarılar kazanmış müzik adamları ve prodüktörlerin yanı sıra dünya çapında birçok besteci, müzisyen ve teknisyen ile çalıştı ve herbirinin “Come Closer” da unutulmaz izleri var. Albümün prodüksiyonu New York’ tan Los Angeles’ a, Londra’ dan İstanbul’ a uzanan heyecanlı bir süreç oldu. Doğu ve batı müziğinin uyumlu bir düet halinde bütünleştiği bu yeni albüm, Tarkan’ın ilk evrensel çalışmasıdır. Tarkan’ ın, yerleşmiş pop star kalıplarını kırarak, tümüyle “orijinal” tarzıyla yarattığı “Come Closer”, uluslarası müzik dünyasına Türkiye’den açılan ilk kapı olmuştur. Bu kapının ardında ise Tarkan için uzun soluklu bir yol görünüyor.
Tarkan Tevetoglu...
International pop icon Tarkan is back with his highly anticipated English language album entitled, Come Closer. The new album, a captivating collection of riveting songs, marks Tarkan’s most stirring work to date. Tarkan is an entertainer who has broken the mold of the meaning of a pop star and set the standard for a new breed of artist. He is a force that has managed to overcome countless barriers, simply because he sees none. The album Come Closer is a testament to the infinite appeal of an artist who is a true original.
Born in Alzey, Germany on 10-17-1972, Tarkan is the fifth child of six siblings. Tarkan was reared by his loving mother who noticed his talents and encouraged his artistic ability. Coming from humble beginnings, music was a form of release from his realities. Seeing how music moved their child’s very being, was reason enough for Tarkan’s family to encourage his journey into the world of music. He began on his quest by taking lessons in Turkey in order to study the craft of traditional Turkish song. Studying at the Turkish classical musical institution, Tarkan was surrounded by some of Turkey’s most respectable songwriters & musicians. It was at this very young and impressionable age that Tarkan absorbed the essence of music.
After graduating from high school, Tarkan had a string of jobs that led him nowhere in the music arena. Experiencing this disappointment, Tarkan was planning on moving to Germany and leaving his dreams of pursuing music and stardom behind. However, prior to his departure, destiny had different plans in store for him as Tarkan met producer Mehmet Sogutoglu. Mehmet eventually signed Tarkan to his record label, Istanbul Plak. This resulted in the release of Tarkan’s debut album Yine Sensiz in 1993 in Turkey. The first single “Kil Oldum Abi” quickly struck a chord with the public, garnering airplay at nightclubs & eventually hitting Turkish radio’s Top 20 charts. The songs “Cok Ararsin Beni” and “Vazgecemem” perpetuated the album’s success. These songs’ airplay was boosted by music videos in which Tarkan, though innovative and unique, maintained a loyalty to his roots & culture, as he was seen donning a necklace with the crescent & star, a Turkish symbol of national pride. Tarkan’s look was one that was never before seen, with his boyish charm and searing eyes, he managed to win the hearts of the youth. He ultimately sold over 700,000 units, taking his place among Istanbul’s prominent artists.
Tarkan’s sophomore album entitled Aacayipsin was released in 1995. The title track, a collaboration with Sezen Aksu (Turkey’s acclaimed composer/producer/lyricist/performer) became the singer’s first number one single. In 1995, Tarkan held 74 live concerts throughout Turkey & Europe. A New York Palladium concert was broadcast live in Turkey nationwide, to rave reviews. The album’s sales jumped to over 2.5 million units, more albums sold than any other artist that year, cementing Tarkan as a force to be reckoned with in the world of Turkish music.
Following his successes throughout Turkey, Tarkan chose to leave Turkey to collect his thoughts & learn English, relocating to NY. Prior to his departure, as fate would have it, Tarkan met Atlantic Records founder & executive Ahmet Ertegun, who decided to take the talented musician under his wing & consequently became a guiding force in Tarkan’s life, silently grooming him for the world’s stage.
Tarkan’s third album, Olurum Sana, was released in July 1997. The single “Simarik”, known as “Kiss Kiss” internationally, was written by Turkey’s legendary Sezen Aksu. The powerhouse song exploded onto the international market, topping the Billboard Charts Hot 100 lists worldwide garnering highest marks, resulting in close to 4 million units sold. “Simarik” was translated into many different languages in order to accommodate the international demand. Furthermore, the music video’s appeal resulted in steady rotation on international music markets including MTV & MCM throughout Europe, as well as profiles on international news outlets including CNN. Tarkan progressed by embarking on a sold out stadium tour nationwide. Following his appearances in Turkey, Tarkan made appearances in over 17 cities in Europe, with additional stops in South America. His entrancing vocals, dynamic dance, and spectacularly staged shows appealed to the worldwide demographic & Tarkan was received everywhere with open ears, arms, & hearts. In 1998, PolyGram France licensed the album, re-releasing it internationally. As a result, the album was certified platinum in Mexico, & hit gold in France, Holland, Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, Sweden, & Columbia.
1999 continued with even more tour dates, including appearances in Germany, France, England, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Austria, Portugal, Morocco, Australia, & Tunisia until the horrific 1999 earthquake hit Turkey. The devastating effects on its people led Tarkan to hold a moving performance in honor of the victims of the 1999 earthquake, where thousands of Turkish citizens were lost & perhaps even more so were left homeless. This aid concert held in Istanbul was a highlight for the people of Turkey and helped the people of Istanbul regain hope and find the determination to rebuild their lives. Tarkan then continued his activism & philanthropy by enlisting in Turkey’s Military Service, showing loyalty to his country and his people.
Controversy always managed to follow Tarkan throughout his career. Whether his interests, political views, or personal relationships were in question, he has never ceased to be an integral topic of public intrigue. Tarkan’s quest for self-realization was played out publicly due to his ever-present persona. However, through it all, Tarkan has managed to weather the storm by staying true to his heart, to his music, & to his fans.
Karma was released in August 2001 to a hungry audience, which saw a side of Tarkan never before publicly exposed. Karma was a touching, introspective, and deeply personal work, which shined a light on all of the experiences, Tarkan had endured throughout the recent years of pandemonium. Fans witnessed an artist, who in the wake of the new album was a more spiritually centered and private man. “Kuzu Kuzu”, the first single off the album, was released in May 2001 & held the # 1 position for three months. Karma also was also a ravishing success in Russia and a surprising change in the landscape of the Russian music market. In spite of economic & political crisis at the time in Turkey, the album “Karma” sold over 2.5 million units.
Following this success, Tarkan was asked to compose & perform the official song of the Turkish National Soccer Team (third place medalist in the World Cup). Furthermore, music from the album Karma was also used for documentary films produced by the Turkish Ministry of Tourism, which also rewarded him for his contributions to Turkey & for the poignant representation of his country, through his music and throughout the world.
Dudu, the fifth album, was released in Summer 2003 and was the latest in the series of record-breaking recordings from Tarkan. The album, a gift from Tarkan to his fans, steadily climbed the charts & matched Tarkan’s unchallenged record sales. The album release followed with yet another successful tour. Stops included concerts throughout Turkey and international shows in Germany, Moscow, Baku, and Alma Ata.
In terms of sales & popularity, Tarkan is the biggest star of the last decade in Turkey, spilling over his success throughout Europe, South America and Australia. He has charted Top 40 singles, every single year from 1992 to current. His songs, which include “Simarik”, “Sikidim”, “Hup”, “Kuzu Kuzu”, & “Dudu” have become contemporary pop standards. His image has garnered interest & endorsements of international brands such as the omnipresent “Pepsi”, by which Tarkan & his tour were sponsored. Tarkan has also shot two commercials as the face of “Pepsi”.
Tarkan’s music has always flowed to the beat of pop culture with his heart drumming to its ever-changing pulse. As an artist driven clearly by passion and always one step ahead of the game, Tarkan feels what’s next, he sings what’s next, and he is what’s next.
Tarkan recently held stadium performances in Istanbul, in a four-show run, with audience numbers topping over 200,000. In the unforgettable shows, at one of the biggest stadiums in Turkey, Tarkan was joined onstage by a troupe of international dancers hailing from America, France, & Turkey, in a breathtaking set design produced by the world-renowned Justin Collie. Fans got a first listen to “Bounce”, Tarkan’s first single off the forthcoming album and were left speechless.
The new album entitled Come Closer is Tarkan’s long awaited English debut, which will be released shortly by Universal Music. It will initially be released throughout Europe & South America and will eventually be released in North America. The album is a result of years in the making and a work of collaboration by world class composers, musicians, & technicians, as well as guest appearances by artists and producers such as Wyclef Jean, Pete Martin, Brian Kierulf and Josh Schwartz aka KNS, Devrim Karaoglu, Billy Mann, Lester Mendez, David Werner, Dexter Simmons, the Jettsonz, Supaflyas, Ozan Colakoglu, etc. When asked about recording the album Come Closer in America, Tarkan said,” I live here, this is one of my homes…It felt natural to record in the States.” Come Closer was recorded & mixed at the following studios in the US including, Pacifique Studios, The Hit Factory, Oasis Mastering, Etc.
Tracks on Come Closer : “Just Like That”, ”In Your Eyes”, “Why Don’t We (Aman Aman)” featuring Whyclef Jean, “Mine”, “Over”, “Start the Fire”, “I Wanna Hear Love Speak (SHHH)”, “Bounce”, “Come Closer”, “Don’t Leave Me Alone”, “Sikidim”, “I’m Gonna Make You Feel Good”, “Mass Confusion”, “Touch”, and “If Only You Knew”.
Come Closer brings to the forefront of the international music scene what has been bubbling just under the surface for years. It is an electric combination of unsurpassed talent, unmatched vocal prowess and dexterity, unanticipated and pulsating production, & Tarkan’s unsettling charm and passion. A lethal combination, that after years of simmering is about to boil over & pierce the hearts of anyone exposed. The sweltering eyes that have penetrated the souls of millions of fans are about to ignite…worldwide.
Kaynak: www.tarkan.comBorn in Alzey, Germany on 10-17-1972, Tarkan is the fifth child of six siblings. Tarkan was reared by his loving mother who noticed his talents and encouraged his artistic ability. Coming from humble beginnings, music was a form of release from his realities. Seeing how music moved their child’s very being, was reason enough for Tarkan’s family to encourage his journey into the world of music. He began on his quest by taking lessons in Turkey in order to study the craft of traditional Turkish song. Studying at the Turkish classical musical institution, Tarkan was surrounded by some of Turkey’s most respectable songwriters & musicians. It was at this very young and impressionable age that Tarkan absorbed the essence of music.
After graduating from high school, Tarkan had a string of jobs that led him nowhere in the music arena. Experiencing this disappointment, Tarkan was planning on moving to Germany and leaving his dreams of pursuing music and stardom behind. However, prior to his departure, destiny had different plans in store for him as Tarkan met producer Mehmet Sogutoglu. Mehmet eventually signed Tarkan to his record label, Istanbul Plak. This resulted in the release of Tarkan’s debut album Yine Sensiz in 1993 in Turkey. The first single “Kil Oldum Abi” quickly struck a chord with the public, garnering airplay at nightclubs & eventually hitting Turkish radio’s Top 20 charts. The songs “Cok Ararsin Beni” and “Vazgecemem” perpetuated the album’s success. These songs’ airplay was boosted by music videos in which Tarkan, though innovative and unique, maintained a loyalty to his roots & culture, as he was seen donning a necklace with the crescent & star, a Turkish symbol of national pride. Tarkan’s look was one that was never before seen, with his boyish charm and searing eyes, he managed to win the hearts of the youth. He ultimately sold over 700,000 units, taking his place among Istanbul’s prominent artists.
Tarkan’s sophomore album entitled Aacayipsin was released in 1995. The title track, a collaboration with Sezen Aksu (Turkey’s acclaimed composer/producer/lyricist/performer) became the singer’s first number one single. In 1995, Tarkan held 74 live concerts throughout Turkey & Europe. A New York Palladium concert was broadcast live in Turkey nationwide, to rave reviews. The album’s sales jumped to over 2.5 million units, more albums sold than any other artist that year, cementing Tarkan as a force to be reckoned with in the world of Turkish music.
Following his successes throughout Turkey, Tarkan chose to leave Turkey to collect his thoughts & learn English, relocating to NY. Prior to his departure, as fate would have it, Tarkan met Atlantic Records founder & executive Ahmet Ertegun, who decided to take the talented musician under his wing & consequently became a guiding force in Tarkan’s life, silently grooming him for the world’s stage.
Tarkan’s third album, Olurum Sana, was released in July 1997. The single “Simarik”, known as “Kiss Kiss” internationally, was written by Turkey’s legendary Sezen Aksu. The powerhouse song exploded onto the international market, topping the Billboard Charts Hot 100 lists worldwide garnering highest marks, resulting in close to 4 million units sold. “Simarik” was translated into many different languages in order to accommodate the international demand. Furthermore, the music video’s appeal resulted in steady rotation on international music markets including MTV & MCM throughout Europe, as well as profiles on international news outlets including CNN. Tarkan progressed by embarking on a sold out stadium tour nationwide. Following his appearances in Turkey, Tarkan made appearances in over 17 cities in Europe, with additional stops in South America. His entrancing vocals, dynamic dance, and spectacularly staged shows appealed to the worldwide demographic & Tarkan was received everywhere with open ears, arms, & hearts. In 1998, PolyGram France licensed the album, re-releasing it internationally. As a result, the album was certified platinum in Mexico, & hit gold in France, Holland, Germany, Belgium, Luxembourg, Sweden, & Columbia.
1999 continued with even more tour dates, including appearances in Germany, France, England, Belgium, Holland, Denmark, Austria, Portugal, Morocco, Australia, & Tunisia until the horrific 1999 earthquake hit Turkey. The devastating effects on its people led Tarkan to hold a moving performance in honor of the victims of the 1999 earthquake, where thousands of Turkish citizens were lost & perhaps even more so were left homeless. This aid concert held in Istanbul was a highlight for the people of Turkey and helped the people of Istanbul regain hope and find the determination to rebuild their lives. Tarkan then continued his activism & philanthropy by enlisting in Turkey’s Military Service, showing loyalty to his country and his people.
Controversy always managed to follow Tarkan throughout his career. Whether his interests, political views, or personal relationships were in question, he has never ceased to be an integral topic of public intrigue. Tarkan’s quest for self-realization was played out publicly due to his ever-present persona. However, through it all, Tarkan has managed to weather the storm by staying true to his heart, to his music, & to his fans.
Karma was released in August 2001 to a hungry audience, which saw a side of Tarkan never before publicly exposed. Karma was a touching, introspective, and deeply personal work, which shined a light on all of the experiences, Tarkan had endured throughout the recent years of pandemonium. Fans witnessed an artist, who in the wake of the new album was a more spiritually centered and private man. “Kuzu Kuzu”, the first single off the album, was released in May 2001 & held the # 1 position for three months. Karma also was also a ravishing success in Russia and a surprising change in the landscape of the Russian music market. In spite of economic & political crisis at the time in Turkey, the album “Karma” sold over 2.5 million units.
Following this success, Tarkan was asked to compose & perform the official song of the Turkish National Soccer Team (third place medalist in the World Cup). Furthermore, music from the album Karma was also used for documentary films produced by the Turkish Ministry of Tourism, which also rewarded him for his contributions to Turkey & for the poignant representation of his country, through his music and throughout the world.
Dudu, the fifth album, was released in Summer 2003 and was the latest in the series of record-breaking recordings from Tarkan. The album, a gift from Tarkan to his fans, steadily climbed the charts & matched Tarkan’s unchallenged record sales. The album release followed with yet another successful tour. Stops included concerts throughout Turkey and international shows in Germany, Moscow, Baku, and Alma Ata.
In terms of sales & popularity, Tarkan is the biggest star of the last decade in Turkey, spilling over his success throughout Europe, South America and Australia. He has charted Top 40 singles, every single year from 1992 to current. His songs, which include “Simarik”, “Sikidim”, “Hup”, “Kuzu Kuzu”, & “Dudu” have become contemporary pop standards. His image has garnered interest & endorsements of international brands such as the omnipresent “Pepsi”, by which Tarkan & his tour were sponsored. Tarkan has also shot two commercials as the face of “Pepsi”.
Tarkan’s music has always flowed to the beat of pop culture with his heart drumming to its ever-changing pulse. As an artist driven clearly by passion and always one step ahead of the game, Tarkan feels what’s next, he sings what’s next, and he is what’s next.
Tarkan recently held stadium performances in Istanbul, in a four-show run, with audience numbers topping over 200,000. In the unforgettable shows, at one of the biggest stadiums in Turkey, Tarkan was joined onstage by a troupe of international dancers hailing from America, France, & Turkey, in a breathtaking set design produced by the world-renowned Justin Collie. Fans got a first listen to “Bounce”, Tarkan’s first single off the forthcoming album and were left speechless.
The new album entitled Come Closer is Tarkan’s long awaited English debut, which will be released shortly by Universal Music. It will initially be released throughout Europe & South America and will eventually be released in North America. The album is a result of years in the making and a work of collaboration by world class composers, musicians, & technicians, as well as guest appearances by artists and producers such as Wyclef Jean, Pete Martin, Brian Kierulf and Josh Schwartz aka KNS, Devrim Karaoglu, Billy Mann, Lester Mendez, David Werner, Dexter Simmons, the Jettsonz, Supaflyas, Ozan Colakoglu, etc. When asked about recording the album Come Closer in America, Tarkan said,” I live here, this is one of my homes…It felt natural to record in the States.” Come Closer was recorded & mixed at the following studios in the US including, Pacifique Studios, The Hit Factory, Oasis Mastering, Etc.
Tracks on Come Closer : “Just Like That”, ”In Your Eyes”, “Why Don’t We (Aman Aman)” featuring Whyclef Jean, “Mine”, “Over”, “Start the Fire”, “I Wanna Hear Love Speak (SHHH)”, “Bounce”, “Come Closer”, “Don’t Leave Me Alone”, “Sikidim”, “I’m Gonna Make You Feel Good”, “Mass Confusion”, “Touch”, and “If Only You Knew”.
Come Closer brings to the forefront of the international music scene what has been bubbling just under the surface for years. It is an electric combination of unsurpassed talent, unmatched vocal prowess and dexterity, unanticipated and pulsating production, & Tarkan’s unsettling charm and passion. A lethal combination, that after years of simmering is about to boil over & pierce the hearts of anyone exposed. The sweltering eyes that have penetrated the souls of millions of fans are about to ignite…worldwide.